The Canaries & Elephants series reference the sayings: The-Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine and The-Elephant-In-The-Room. The yellow Canary is a caution alert of ecojustice issues. The challenge— how to remove the fossil-fueled, corporate Elephants from the Room.
IN HOT WATER represents the 70-80% of Coral reefs that are in trouble globally. Some of the reasons are:
THE CUPS - Some animals dependent on coral reefs:
I believe in nature, its beauty, interconnections and inspiration. I believe it can be a guide by its responses to our actions.
Clay has a memory. It records your fingerprints and all the ways you held it in your hands. Our earth has a memory and responds to our manipulations. My work in clay draws from the knowledge that everything…food, home, clothes, tools, toys all come from the ‘clay’ of the earth and the hope that we will remember to grow, gather & consume leaving the smallest fingerprint.
IN HOT WATER represents the 70-80% of Coral reefs that are in trouble globally. Some of the reasons are:
- Global Warming - Ocean temperatures are warming to levels in which coral cannot survive. Sea water acidifies (CO2 + Sea water = carbonic acid) and coral bleaching occurs. The corals white skeleton is revealed as it dies.
- Unsustainable fishing: Overfishing. Physical damage from equipment. Aquarium trade.
- Pollution from agricultural runoff, deforestation, oil & chemical spills and coastal development — all smother the coral with sediment, increased algae growth & toxins.
- The belly of the teapot represents brain coral (Diploria strigoga) & of course hot water!
- The spout portrays our endangered California Hydrocoral
- The handle is a fictitious hybrid coral.
THE CUPS - Some animals dependent on coral reefs:
- The seahorse cup represents our very own Pacific seahorse, Hippocampus ingen. In the last five years many seahorse populations have declined by 50 percent.
- The Banggai Cardinalfish (commonly known as angelfish) is endangered because of its popularity as a pet in home aquariums.
- Sea Stars on our west coast from Alaska to Mexico are dying in massive numbers from wasting syndrome.
- Now for some good news: The fish cup, with the fan shaped cut out tail, represents the Goby fish. When coral is stressed by overgrowth of algae or seaweed, it emits a chemical that the Goby fish is attracted to — it will come chew away the invading algae & seaweed!
- And of course, homosapiens (people). Tea anyone? Let’s try some uncharted waters!
I believe in nature, its beauty, interconnections and inspiration. I believe it can be a guide by its responses to our actions.
Clay has a memory. It records your fingerprints and all the ways you held it in your hands. Our earth has a memory and responds to our manipulations. My work in clay draws from the knowledge that everything…food, home, clothes, tools, toys all come from the ‘clay’ of the earth and the hope that we will remember to grow, gather & consume leaving the smallest fingerprint.
© Vicki Gunter 2002-2016